The truth is coming out...
I crossed my fingers and sent out the email. The truth is out... soon...
To be continued...
-- mr blog
I crossed my fingers and sent out the email. The truth is out... soon...
To be continued...
-- mr blog
I'm asked to do some econometric analysis?!? What the %@#%!& is that? To be true, I really don't know what is it. I'm doing calculations in Excel, in the semi-automatic way, Ha Ha....
-- mr blog
The iPod shuffle seems to be very hot in town, partially because of it cheap price and look. I tried to take a look in the Apple dealer and it's out of stock, with only the advanced payment option, which you need to wait for at least 2 weeks. I stayed at the shop for 10 minutes and I could see at least 5 people coming to enquired on the Shuffle. So what's great about Shuffle? I think it's a just an MP3 player packaged by Apple.
to be continued...
-- mr blog
I had dinner with two friends to find out that a family I know just gave birth to a baby as early as 6+ months of pregnancy, who may not possibly survive for more than a month. This is a sad news to me. On the another hand, they are not as sad as I thought. They thought that an unhealthy baby who survive may lead to more complications. As least I can't realise it myself.
I chatted a bit with mr Blow at night on a computatinoal problem , on the brainstorming. That's something I never did with my friends before. I can now confirmed that mr Blow is now a CS guy (or the so-called compu-guy) instead of an engine guy, it sounds good. He asked me to write an update on me, in English, instead of my last short update which I spent 2 hrs to compose 3 lines of Chinese email. So that's an e-mail that I sent to my friends, about an update of me.---------------------------------------------------------- Hi guys, Our Mr Blow asked me update myself, in English. I just thot it's easier for you to understand my Chinese rather than to write in English =(. Just 2 months ago, I fired my supervisor, broke tie with HKU and went to CityU, that is able to feed me with bread until the end of June. From then, I realised that I, working as a programmer, am so poorly paid (why??) My boss hired me to develop an experiement applet which I spent a month. My boss used the same amount to pay 90 students to come and click on my applet for 2 hours. So after some conversion and calculation, my one month salary is equivelent to paying a student to come and click for 6 hours everyday for a 30 days! I finally acquired yesterday, so I'm on MSN using this account! I finally have to agree that ICQ is following the footstep of Netscape. For entertainment-wise, my main entertainment is watching TV shows guess-guess-guess and kang-xi-lai-le, no more movies for me. Oh, just 2 weeks ago, my network of my desktop PC in CityU got suspended, due to use to peer-to-peer software. I called in and explain I tried to download the Gentoo Linux CD ISO (which I tried anyway!!!). They just asked me to remove the software and resume my network connection, what a close shave. Just this morning, I got an email that I can't meet William Hung in person when he returns to school to continue his B. Eng. (Civil). Maybe because they just don't want to have another William Hung, which would become the joke of the century, as commented by Simon Cowell? ----------------------------------------------------------
-- mr blog
...... from me, who'll be busy coding during the holiday.
Cont... Eat and Eat and Eat in these few days. I'm feeling the kind of `presure' from my parents, who still try to presurize more the the help of relative. This can ONLY be the last time, no matter what.-- mr blog
They first started off as a group of 5, then 4, and later only 3. After tonight it'll be down to 0. I didn't intend to go to the concert, as I just though it was just-another-concert of them, but I was wrong. The concert marks the end pf the band, mark the end of their relationship after over 20 years.
I just bought the single seat ticket today and the seat is not bad. The atmosphere is not entirely sad, but mostly emotional. In fact I just want to see how they can handle it with so many people wanting them together, they did it quuite well. So, what have I learned from them all these years:-- mr blog
a short answer, a great impact....
By HonL, at 7:44 AM
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