I went to Marina to watch fireworks today... very nice.. woohoo... tomorrow go watch again... :) DC
will be going for the 2nd tutoial later. This round id the first week that i do not face the entire class. I hope I can't explain what i mean clearly. Cos the topic (logic) is something that I never studied offically in school. Sometimes I just know how to do it but dunno how to get people understand it. Mr BLOG
Did coding for most part of today. The rest just stay around, pretending to do something. I switch off my ICQ today. I'm begining to feel that the discrete math course that i ta will take me much time. I went for the lecture then I know that I learnt so little in my undergrad days. This evening, got the surprisingly expected email from Mr Blow. Give him my total blessing. But I can't find a good reason to be around in June. I've learnt to be selfish. Mr BLOG
HOngaila... I hope u can encode the DVD... so tat u can encode McDull.. cause the McDull I bought cannot be played on my VCD machine.. boohooo DC
Haven't been coding in C / C++ for n years. I finally got the green light to implement something. Although i know the flow/design of the program, it's extremely hard for me to start to write from scratch. Just like you are asked to go roller-blading after one year not skating. Anyway, I didn't know what header file to include, syntax of writing class/include files, anything that has a slight difference with java. I finally agree that C++ and java is very much different. If not i won;t have such hard time. Mr BLOG
i finally found the software that encode dvdwith subtitle plus everything. But now, i dun have the energy to encode any pf those. Computer at my home ( the only place with dvd-rom) is too clow for one encoding session. In my lab, there's one dvd-rom lying around. ya, it's not attached to any pc. But the stupid dell computer has only one cd drive slot, which i still need it for the CDR. I've seen the dvd-rom in my lab since the day i came here. Mr BLOG
Met my bosses today. Good thing that they can't remember when I last met me. But I was talking about things they totally do not expect. They ask me to be more focused. Mr BLOG
hongaila.. u shld be giving those guys a hard time.. not the other way round!! Aiyo.. When I go to HK, I must teach u how to be a tutor already.... hahaha DC
Just had my first tutorial. It scared the hell out of me. I'm starting to see that those guys will give me a hard time. I guess I'll just stop idling and go and do somethingfor tomorrow meeting. Mr BLOG
Won't fail 1 la...... u r not a O level students trying to take an exam for a degree course ma.. hahaa... sure won't fail 1... DC
I was telling my friend, since for this semester, I'm not going to take any extra module even if you fail any course. So I told my friend to keep the result slip for me and keep it until one day I need to choose modules again. But, result now is too easy to check. I can just log in and check whether I pass or fail. So I finally could not resist the temptation and I checked it today. God bless, I got a pass for both modules. Mr BLOG
Oh... wanted to write this down but could find a time to do it. Went to the intro lecture of the course I'm going to TA, the discrete maths course. Lecturer had to introduce me in front of all. He claim that "this guy is even more interesting, he's imported from Singapore, NUS...", and he prefer me to conduct tutorial in cantonese. This is to facilitate students to understand better. I'm getting a bit nervous for tomorrow tutorial. Mr BLOG
I got a dog!!! I got a Jack Russell.. now I'm a proud owner of a dog.. hahahaa Wonder how long the dog will last.... DC
Wasted my time making a course webpage on Sat, but the html codes were then thrown away in less than 4 hours. Another guy and I were supposed to create a course webpage. I suggested that a text based webpage would be sufficient, and he agreed and said that we can just follow another webpage from another lecturer. We agree to start writing after lunch as he has to go for lunch with someone, just came back from the state. I didn't want to eat, so I waitedfor him, and at the same time, trying to code on my own. Then I wait until 4pm and he's still not back and my version of the webpage is done. I had to leave to meet my friends for dinner. So I left a message for him, asking him to feel free to make any modification. That's the biggest mistake of saying that. He ended up writing a brand 'new' webpage. He followed every *single* detail of the original webpage, things like color, bulletting, navigation style and even phrasing of title (e.g. "Homepage of xxx course" instead of "Course webpage of xxx"). He copied 101% of the original. The reason he gave was "I loved the webpage too much in my undergrad days". That's fine with me. You can be religous in something. But I wouldn't waste my time if I had known earlier.
Wanted to do more work today, since probably I can no longer work anymore in week days, during the normal hours. Tomorrow, according to unic calendar, is the start of a new term. So I wanted to settle things today,but unfortunaely today is a bad day =(. Lost the momentum of updating this blog. what I think/say could not be heard. Situations in everything surrounding me is getting bad (gradually). Seriously in need to talk to people.
Unexpected. Those guys just landed yesterday nite and today they all appear in the lab. The lab now is back to the full strength status. This also mean that it gets harder (again) to concentrate. Everyone else seems to make good progress. I hope i can finalize something next monday, and I will not be abandoned. Mr BLOG
so u mean to say tat no matter wat the bit was, the palm still cannot play tat certain type of mp3 files rite??? DC
I always wondered why my palm cannot play certain mp3 files. I suppected that it's the copyright bit in mp3. So I picked up my rasty c programming and try to code a small program to invert he copyright bit. But before that I'll need to search the loction of the bit in an mp3 file. Finally I found it in google, and finally I coded a program to do so. Then I found that it still plays no matter what the bit is. Wasted the whole day. But it made me realise how bad my c programming is. Mr BLOG
My co-sup finally mailed replied my mail. He sounded nice, but the it can have double meaning. But anyway, I'll try to re-organise what ive read, and hopefully I won;t get scolding from him this thursday. Mr BLOG
I'm teaching CS3261 (IT in Marketing)... haha.... me goin for yet another holiday!! Woohoo... Today is holiday year... hahaa DC
Went for a buffet lunch today. I didn't eat a lot. But I was trying hard to eat more things. After that I went back and jog for another 5.0 xxx (miles?? or km?? i dunno) on the joggin machine in 32 min, burning another 312 colories. Mr BLOG
Haha.. I am now Dr Cheong... ahha.. how come ppl dunno I am just a lowly TA??
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 19:52:00 +0800 (GMT-8)
From: Heng Aik Koan
I didn't know why but I visit CCL's page Mr BLOG
Another email on the oven: Dear All, A very cute-looking microwave oven has been placed in xxxxx for use by xxxxx. It's a donation from our Head, Dr xxxxx. If you want to know the little story behind, please read on. We meant to purchase a new microwave oven. However, the one delivered yesterday was a bit "too sophisticated". One has to press quite a number of buttons for starting it up. Moreover, the "grill" function may pose potential dangers if the user is not careful enough. So, we decided to return it to the supplier and exchange for a more basic model. Unfortunately, the supplier refused our request. Since the receipt has not been submitted to FEO for reimbursement, Dr xxxxx kindly offered to PURCHASE this "sophisticated" microwave oven from us and DONATE his cute-looking one to our Department. Thanks again, xxxxx ! Mr BLOG
How come so many ppl dunno how to use microwave? Must set up a new course in HKU to teach ppl how to use microwave DC
There another letter I received, I read and laughed. Dear residents, A small fire occurred at around 10:00 am on 4 Jan 2003 in the student lounge on 1/F where an absolutely irresponsible person left some sweet potatoes roasting unattended in the microwave oven. The sweet potates caught fire inside the microwave, burned the plate holding them and filled the entire student lounge with dense smoke. Fortunately, the lounge was equipped with a smoke detector and it sent signal to our control panel as well as the one in the Security Office; thus, preventing the fire to become an uncontrollable hazard. The person who did this never identified himself/herself. I would like to take this opportunity to remind all of you that if you have never used a microwave oven before or if you are not sure what can go into the microwave, please read the operation instructions attached on the microwaves or do not bother to ask other users or even our staff before turning it on. Precautions should always be taken when operating electrical appliances; always bear in mind that in case accidents occur, it do not just affect your ownself, but the lives of at least 200 people residing and working in the premises. In addition, in case any resident spot another person misusing any electrical appliances, do not hesitate to contact our Service Counter immediately. Thank you for your attention and co-operation. Mr BLOG
I heard that my co-sup is coming back fromo hawaii these 2 days. This means that I'm back to the stressed-mode, and I have to start doing what I'm supposed to do. I can't imagine the what he'll say in the next meeting. =( Mr BLOG
There is a big and shocking news in my Univ. This is them message from VC: IMPORTANT message from The Vice-Chancellor's Office Many of you must be as shocked as I was, having followed the news over the weekend on the discovery of human parts in the Tseung Kwan O landfill site. And I am deeply concerned as there is now reason to believe that these discovered human parts were originally in the possession of our Faculty of Medicine. The Dean of Medicine had immediately briefed me on the situation. I have been given to understand that this incident was caused by some negligence in stock taking at the time when the Department of Anatomy moved from Li Shu Fan Building to the new building. The body parts were used for student teaching. Since they have been properly treated, they should not pose any health hazard. We agreed that whilst the negligence may not pose legal liabilities, the University should be very concerned about the ethical issues involved and the apparent lack of respect to those who donated their body for this purpose. The Faculty of Medicine called a press conference yesterday to explain this extremely regrettable incident. I have today appointed a panel to undertake investigation into the case, so as to provide the University community and the public at large an accountable picture of what had happened, and to make recommendations to prevent any similar incident from happening again. A report is expected within three months. The panel with both external and internal members comprises: Professor xxxxx, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Chairman) Dr xxxxx, Deputy Medical Superintendent of xxxxx Hospital Professor xxxxx, Associate Dean, Faculty of medicine Mr BLOG
After hunting for 2 days on the web, I found that the thing I'm searching for can't be shipped to me, because of Post-Sep-11 US regulation. But I thought it was something that is quite common and it could be exported outside of US? Strange. Mr BLOG
I know why so many people going to CA fitness. People like to be guinea pig and stand in front of the class window. I was exercising on the jogging machine in my place. Just happened that there is a big window in front of me. Outside the window, I see the scenery down the hill, quite a nice view. Mr BLOG
My Apology. Throughout the day, my mouth doesn't follow what my mind thinks. My finger do not follow what my brain commands. Even burning CD becomes a difficult task for me now. I was using CDRW to "test-water", and it failed after so many retry. I'm slowly burning some at a time, hopefull i can find out the error/problem. Getting the perfect CDR is so difficult. Mr BLOG.
Boohoo.. cheat me!!! Hongaila never buy me present... haha..... I never really mess up his place... hahaa.... so fun to mess up ppl's place.. hahaa DC
That's not me lah. It's Mr Blob posing as Mr Blow. Sob sob. Did u mess up his plc? Why did he plc such a comment? The Authentic Mr Blow
Was away from home and computer this 2 days. Things do happen to me recently, but I do not know what and how to put it an organised manner. Recently I just disocverd that my 'hobby' is go around, shopping for things (usually useless things) for other people. Discovered that buying things for others is even happier than buying things for your own. My house has surprisingly survived from the torture of a big guy and a small guy. I finally convey to my mum the idea that 'you dun have to treat everyone well'. And she finally agreed after she herself experienced it. Human is all very 'Fan4-Jian4'. When other people tell you that your shouldn't be banging yourself on to the wall.... you will not velieve it unless you really bang urself on to the wall. Mr BLOG.
No idea yet, it's sealed in an envelop, gotta go to my physical mailbox and check it out Unfortunately have been working from another work site, have to go back to my other office site to find out what it is What are things happening over in HK? :D Am up to a new "hobby" with some others... heh... gonna be a good laugh when it's ready :P LOL Mr SecretService
COOL!!!!. and what price did you get? IBM workpad? Haven't been updating the blog lately. Cos lot of things happened... and so good to record it down at the preliminary stage. But will update later. Mr BLOG
cool, got an award (ok, a team award, but an award nonetheless) from the company today but i aint know the details as i was called away during the telecon gotta find out details soon! :D Mr SecretService
Just did the CPF cash out and bank in thing... the CPF website is always the messiest of all. For a simple transaction, it is spanned acros 3 different .gov.sg sites, entering the same userid password. Hope that i still get some cash so so as to pay for my issurance. Mr BLOG
Oh... thinking the only jenga game that I play yesterday, I realised that is quite fun and stressful like life. For every turn, you told yourself that you are not going to make it. But somehow, you can still find a block to take it out. After your turn, you thought that it won't be my turn again, the tower will collapse before my turn. Yet it would *stil* come back to you. Mr BLOG
Today need to gp and shop for lots of things. I need the buy birthday presents and new year presents. All items all belated. After that I myself feel abit guilty about what I have done in this past month, so I need to catch up before they come back from conference. Mr BLOG.
Went to my friend's new place tonite, and celebrated his and another's birthday. Both were born on 1st Jan. These was only a 2 seated sofa, and we have to sat down on the floor and play games. I wasn't a nice experience, floor is cold and it makes your backside shiver. We played only UNO and Jenga. We only tried one round of jenga as we felt that it's always stressful and time consuming. For the rest of the time we played UNO. we always sabotaged someone, like intercepting a draw-4 just before his turn... etc... At 3 plus in the morning, I said I wanted to go back, and everyone all left with me. I feel quite bad about this. I wanted to go back not because I'm rushing something, but I dun want to tire myself out on a year day. And most importantly,I just dun wanted to be playing card games... etc. I seriously need some guidance on what i should do next. Mr BLOG
Happy New Year to everybody!!! I'm stayin happily in hongaila's house... Hongaila's computer has a bad bad hard disk.. It crashes very often.... Anyway, to Tubby Chua... Ask u a question. ".... xxx ....?" hahaa DC