30 May 2004: Day 4 (PM), Day 2 (B&C)
- KTV at TST East
- Avenue of the Stars
- Star Ferry to Wan Chai
- Sushi dinner at Wan Chai
- Tram to the Peak
- Pacific Coffee at the Peak
- more to come...
Run down of today trip.
mr blog
Is this the William-Hung phenomenon? http://www.thewb.com/Shows/Episode/0,8201,172691,00.html [link]
mr blog
I never thot that cleaning up the codes is so painful. I'm supposed to repackage a piece of code, making to more presentable. But it brought me pain. I never thought that Java could make harm to C++ coding... I often see code segments like...
(object) obj = new object(param1,param2,param3);
(object *) objectArrary =
new (object *)[someSize];
if (objectArray == NULL) {
cout << "ERROR" << endl;
delete obj;
delete [] objectArray;
while the code can be written nicely as...
object obj (param1,param2,param3);
(object *) objectArrary[someSize];
I often see variable names like... noOfBindingSites, motifLength.... which I renamed it to num_binding_sites, motif_len... more C++ friendly.
I'm still trying to clear up all this "style of writing C++" to somthing I feel more comforatable... But I'll need to break up a function of 400++ lines into different functions (methods) that are described in a paper by 6 different EM functions. That's the most painful part. Then when I asked why lump all into one? The answer is (justifiable), "because putting into different methods make it *slow*,....", how slow? .... Then I stop asking, I'll do it *MY WAY*.
mr blog
mr blow should know cos he C tutor? - PM
By Anonymous, at 5/25/2004 04:53:10 PM
errr note that I'm a C tutor, not C++ or Java. So i dunno the latter 2 lor.
Mr Blow
By schemer, at 5/27/2004 01:50:15 AM
Actually, splitting it up into different methods makes it *FASTER*. Because it increases code locality, magnifying the effect of the fast L1/L2 caches.
Charles Leicerson gave us a seminar about this several years back, and he had some data in which I recall there were significant performance improvements when loop unrolling was turned *OFF*.
By Anonymous, at 5/27/2004 11:30:30 PM
Thanks for the comment. I totally agree with you, although I didn't thought of that in the first place. But I don't think I'll comment further about his code. *sigh*
By HonL, at 5/27/2004 11:34:04 PM
These few days, there's always something that I wanted to post. But whenever I come to my PC, I always forget what is it... until now I can't recall...
Anyway, postgaruda is coming to two years. How about renaming it to something else but better reflects what I'm doing? I dun have many ideas, I can only think of:
mr blog
Got the DVD version of "Long vacation" DVD!! I worried that it's the VCD version, but i verified that it's really the DVD version. Too bad that they dun have Love Generation...
mr blog
Tonight, I went back home about 9pm plus... as usual, I walked to MTR station. Just when I was about 5 min to the station, I had to walked past a dark street, with only a few passagers. I got stopped by 2 guys, they even talked to me and ask my identify card! Oh no! two policemen asked for my identify card!!! So who am I? Who did they think I am? Do I look like a gangster? or a mainland chinese?
so, who am I????
mr blog
Money ($$$) is really a good thing, it can do so much change to blogger.com with money, the buy over fom google. Now the blog has ``commenting'' capability. Anyone is free to participate, make some noise!!!
mr blog
This is a comment by some anonymous user.
By Anonymous, at 5/14/2004 01:35:10 PM
Why IE and mozilla display differently? Only the picture shows up in IE, *sigh*
By Anonymous, at 5/14/2004 02:25:15 PM
played badminton today. I didn't play well. Maybe I talk to my friends too much. Too much so that they think I'm a psycho. How long would tha be?
"The End Of The World" song lyric
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Why does the sun go on shining
Why does the sea rush to shore
Don’t they know it’s the end of the world
’Cause you don’t love me any more
Why do the birds go on singing
Why do the stars glow above
Don’t they know it’s the end of the world
It ended when I lost your love
I wake up in the morning and I wonder
Why everything’s the same as it was
I can’t understand’ no’ I can’t understand
How life goes on the way it does
Why does my heart go on beating
Why do these eyes of mine cry
Don’t they know it’s the end of the world
It ended when you said goodbye
Why does my heart go on beating
Why do these eyes of mine cry
Don’t they know it’s the end of the world
It ended when you said goodbye
mr blog
My mind is now in a state of "inactive". The issue of future employment has been something on my mind lately. Haven't trying to create some resume, cover letters... havenn't sent out one so far. I did it just for the participation, making myself clear that "Oh, I still can look for a job! I still can work!". But the purpose, degree of urgency for job seeking are not as strong as before though.
mr blog
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