
Monday, March 31, 2003

haha.. I also want SARS.. maybe we shld all call hongaila.. DC

Oh... now it's not SARS anymore, it;s now CVP, so conplicated. News reported that patients who are smokers are more likely to die. I'm not afriad since i never smoke, i mean outside of NUS, i dun smoke. Anyway, having SARS is not much a big deal. At least someone will call you to hear to your last words. Not like me now, have not been using my handphone in the past week. Mr BLOG

Just got a mass mail about the doctor in charge of the ward the outbreak was in hospital. I really have to saluate to him. From: "Justin Wu" Subject: Re: Fat Wu on air Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 11:09:23 +0800 Dear all, Hundreds of staff are working with me and they are all facing the same risk of infection. It is really sad that over last 2-week fight 8% of our staff have been infected despite droplet precaution, probably due to pitfalls like air leak on N95 mask, rubbing eyes/nose after touching the mask, etc. So you can imagine how contagious this virus is! The outbreak in Amoy Garden is not surprising to me because this is exactly what has happened in ward 8A. The only difference is that the number of infectious index cases now in Amoy Garden is 60 times of PWH's. We do believe this infection has wide spectrum of clinical presentation ranging from sorethroat and low grade fever to full blown ARDS/BOOP. We think the clinical presentation depends partly on the dose of inoculum. The ultimate rotection against this new virus is our immunity and invitably all of us will be infected eventually. The purpose of preventive measure is to minimize the dose of virus so as to avoid severe complication. Could you please forward these messages to all your friends and relatives and ask them to distribute further? 1. Always wear a well-fitted mask (N95 or 3 ply surgical) in escalator, bus, MTR, train, office, restaurant and shopping mall. Don't go to cinema. Push the button in the lift using your key to avoid any direct contact with your bare hand. If you can tolerate a latex glove, wear it. 2. Don't touch your mask, it traps a lot of droplets. 3. All the surfaces within a distance of 5 feet from a patient are highly infectious because of droplets. Wash your hands frequently. Don't rub your eyes, touch your nose or mouth before washing hands. 4. Clean the door handles, furnitures and floor with diluted (1 in 100) bleaching detergent. Dettol is NOT useful. Wash your clothes immediately after going home. 5. Patient is highly infectious 2-3 days (in contrast to what EK Yeoh said) even before developing illness. Treat those without wearing mask potentially infectious even if they look healthy. Take care buddy.

I can't remember how many days I work until 6am in the morning. It's like becoming a norm. Now, even 2am in the morning is consider early. Sky is already so bright. Yes, spring has come and summar is on its way. Mr BLOG

posted by HonL at 3/31/2003 06:12:00 AM << Home

Friday, March 28, 2003

Just bought 3 items from, they are cd dvd and a book. I realised that I could use the coupon that I earned when I bought a DVD 1 year ago. That saved me 4 USD. Actually the book that I bought is even cheaper than the bookstore near the campus, with free delivery. Mr BLOG

posted by HonL at 3/28/2003 09:23:03 PM << Home

Was walking in the street when I was going to supermarket. I felt like being in the middle east. I can't recognise the face of everybody. Everyone now has that white mask on his face. Now everyone looks the same to me. Mr BLOG

posted by HonL at 3/28/2003 09:20:42 PM << Home

Oh no... got this in my U's mailbox. My sups would have more time to monitor me. IMPORTANT message from Registrar The Heads of Universities Committee (HUCOM) met earlier today and decided that all UGC-funded institutions will suspend all formal teaching classes from Saturday, March 29, 2003 until April 6, 2003. Classes will resume on Monday, April 7, 2003, unless otherwise notified. During this period, the University and all its offices and facilities (including UHS, Library, sport facilities etc.) will remain open. This decision is made in consultation with experts in our Faculty of Medicine. There is no scientific evidence to support that suspension of classes will help to control the spread of the disease (Atypical Pneumonia which should now be more properly referred to as Coronovirus Pneumonia). The University however is aware of the anxiety of its students and their parents, and believe that suspension of classes will reduce such anxiety. As far as the halls of residence are concerned, there is no good reason to suggest that the risk of catching the virus in the halls is greater or less than that at home. There therefore is no plan at this point in time to close halls, but we are sure that wardens will respect the wishes of those residents who prefer to stay at home. It is hoped that the suspension of classes does not mean that learning will also be suspended. Professor John Spinks, our Pro-Vice-Chancellor, will in due course communicate with you to suggest means of employing more of the information and communications technologies that are already available to facilitate learning without formal classes. This is so funny, everyone agrees that school should stop. But univ is still trying to justify the late decision by giving this 'reason'. *sigh* Mr BLOG

posted by HonL at 3/28/2003 04:19:31 PM << Home

Saturday, March 22, 2003

Inirially I thought since this week I'm not going back home, I should be less busy. But just now something big striked me. I still need to submit an assignment due wed this week! The trouble is that I've not been paying attention in the lecture, and now to do the assignment I need to start everything from reading the lecture notes =(/ Mr BLOG

posted by HonL at 3/22/2003 04:36:57 PM << Home

Friday, March 21, 2003


posted by HonL at 3/21/2003 01:38:48 AM << Home

Thursday, March 20, 2003

wah! u bought your laptop!?! which 1? Mr Blown-oFF

posted by schemer at 3/20/2003 01:45:03 PM << Home

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Today I spent the most in this 5 years, almost 2 month worth of my saving. I was so embarrassed that I need to try 4 times before I got the NETS payment successful. I could use VISA, but with a 2% service charge, I wanted to save that 2% and I use NETS payment. The network kept one rejecting mine, but later I realise that my working a/c has no enough $$$ for me to carry out the transaction. But I haven't use it cos tomorrow I need to meet my sup. Mr BLOG

posted by HonL at 3/18/2003 11:15:33 PM << Home

Monday, March 17, 2003

Everything will be fine for the hongaila.... Hongaila!!! I will be going for the pilot interview on 4th April.. hahaha DC

posted by schemer at 3/17/2003 10:55:19 PM << Home

Got woken twice today. At 8:30am and 4:30pm... my sup sent email to me, I set auto forwarding to my SMS gateway. It scared the hel out of me. I have not been feeling today. Hope that tomorrow is fine for me. Mr BLOG

posted by HonL at 3/17/2003 10:18:29 PM << Home

Saturday, March 15, 2003

Good leh.. hongaila won't be able to catch the virus around HK now.. cause everyday u r in chance to go out and catch the virus... hahah DC

posted by schemer at 3/15/2003 11:01:30 PM << Home

Yerterday... I rushed to supermarket to grap things and food that last me long enough for these weekend. So I just grap whatever biscuit, chocolet that I find familiar with. Then today I when i opened up the biscuit, i found that it is a khong guan biscuit. Mr BLOG

posted by HonL at 3/15/2003 11:19:45 AM << Home

Friday, March 14, 2003

Oh...I didn't even realise until today... since sunday I came back to campus, I have never step out of campus until now. These 5-6 days, I only ate in the 2 canteen, buy sweet and biscuits from the mini-mark in hku. If I rememer correctly, that's the longer period i'm in school... *sigh*, when will this end? Mr BLOG

posted by HonL at 3/14/2003 06:22:34 PM << Home

I's now 2:30 am the morning.. I'm still coding.. it reminder meof what I dod two years ago with my friend, on some optimization package. Well, that thing is never in use practically, everything can only be found inside memory. Am I worse than that time? Mr BLOG

posted by HonL at 3/14/2003 02:31:17 AM << Home

Thursday, March 13, 2003

Have been doing coding these days... somethime i just wonder, I used to be not as slow in coding as now... is it thethe stuff i'm coding is more difficukt or... i'm just getting... Mr BLOG

posted by HonL at 3/13/2003 11:01:38 PM << Home

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Have been feeling weak today. All the things I did today are things that I did for others. I still need to debuy the program. Now I start to think what I should report to them by end of this week. This week is really fast. After the lecture tonite, I went back to my room and find that there's an invitation card for me. It's finally arrived, the timing is not right, next friday. =( And today the ftp site that i used to download from changed the password agtain, it will take a few day before I can be informed of the new password. Mr BLOG

posted by HonL at 3/12/2003 10:32:34 PM << Home

Monday, March 10, 2003

It's going to be busy days for me until 1 apr. I've never had such situation before, something you need to do, and once you get it done, people think that you are good. But somehow I'm not motivated to do it. Even my co-sup observed that, he said, "you seem not very excited and motivated about this thing and you just think what you did is just a 'no big deal' thing... blah blah blah... ". Well... I agree partially. And now I'm trying to look for it. Mr BLOG

posted by HonL at 3/10/2003 11:31:56 PM << Home

hurray!!! hongaila is finally going to get a new laptop!!!! has hongaila changed a new harddisk to the dying harddisk at ur home?? DC

posted by schemer at 3/10/2003 03:34:31 AM << Home

I spent these two days for bring up my laptop for mandrake. That's the only possible operating system in the latop. But finally my parents agree to get a laptop. Mr BLOG

posted by HonL at 3/10/2003 12:54:40 AM << Home

Saturday, March 08, 2003

Since yesterday I just mailed them the draft, I consider that as an early half time for me. It's now half way through the match and you are given a chance to rest, but you are lose with a 2-0, do you still want to rest? I finally convince myself to rest today, going back home. I was search for some old mp3 in my secondary school. I suddenly reminded of this song from grasshopper when I was studying my O's. The song describe me exactly. Can't imagine something that's old can still apply to new thing. Have been trying to get myself back to track in these 2 weeks... but didn't expect that getting myself back to track is not that difficul, but rather, running on the track without aim is do damn hard. Mr BLOG

posted by HonL at 3/8/2003 11:56:12 PM << Home

Friday, March 07, 2003

I was happily trying to draft out something for my sup to see last night... then I realise that something that I assume that it's right is actually wrong... I need to mail them the drdft by today! I think of easy way out but I couldn't..... in the end I gave up, today i discuss it with people here... and they seem to mean that it's no big deal... just add in the n^a term in front.... it doesn;t look good now.. Mr BLOG

posted by HonL at 3/7/2003 10:39:22 PM << Home

Tuesday, March 04, 2003

Haha.. if u want to write something without experiement, without program, without code and nothing, then u'll have to ask how DC did it... hahaa... :) DC always write such papers 1... :) DC

posted by schemer at 3/4/2003 02:27:10 AM << Home

Monday, March 03, 2003

Got a round of scolding from my sups. I think they are right to scold me. I'll try to get myself back on the track. Anyway, there's now nothing else for me to do. It's the time. They rushed me to write up something, something which they did nmot ask me to do it long before. Then they suddenly asked me to dratft out paper for submission to CSB'03. Wah! only one month's time left, no experiment, no program, no code , no nothing, how to rush? I'll be staying in campus for the next month, even eatin campus canteen. *sigh* Mr BLOG

posted by HonL at 3/3/2003 07:32:00 PM << Home

Since I've finished writing my progress report, my initial idea is to send it out at the night so that they would have read it when I meet them. Then I just the guy from nanjing for his support. Well, I got a cold water. He said, no need to, since they are busy, they won't have time to read. That I don't disagree that they are busy. Just when the time I wanted not to mail them, it reminded me of the last time I didn't do thing because he suggested not to. So I decided not to follow him, (also never tell him what I'll do). I mail them with my report. I mean if they have no time to read, they can jolly-well not reading it. But there's no harm for. At least I won't be accused of not give them prior to the meeting. My sup(s) `good' point is that he always talks to you very `nicely' in front of people. But even he talks in front of people nicely, I can feel the idea behind, or the niddle in betweeb he's words. It makes me feel even more frightened when he talks `nicely'. Mr BLOG

posted by HonL at 3/3/2003 01:17:42 AM << Home

Finally finished my one-page progress report. I really dunno what to write... but finally I managed to smoke out some thing good about me, just on paper it looks good. Along with my progress report, I need to fill in a page long form. in the form, I'm required to fill in whether I have any problem, personallu, financially, or on research. I wanted to write down I do ave a problem. But after I see the next question, I think I better write done I got no problem. BTW the next question is "Have you solve them?". Mr BLOG

posted by HonL at 3/3/2003 12:50:28 AM << Home

Saturday, March 01, 2003

hongaila not happy meh??? DC

posted by schemer at 3/1/2003 10:27:26 PM << Home

Bought another book at the bookshop near HKU. Wanted to buy the other volume as well, but I thought that the price will only go down, not go up, so better buy one by one. This book might be of interest to Mr Blow as well, maybe once I finish this, I can scan it in PDF. The book isn't thick, big big font so more, so should be easy for me to read. Maybe I should start listening to the others; I should start to (, at least try to,) make myself happy =). Mr BLOG

posted by HonL at 3/1/2003 09:13:59 PM << Home

Working in the lab during the weekend feel horrible, Can't seem to concentrate. Mr BLOG

posted by HonL at 3/1/2003 02:33:39 PM << Home