Just get it done and over with...
And I'll be a free-man!!! It's scheduled to be on 7th Oct for oral. It's a bit rush. Rather a last minute thing, but I can't, or I want to postpone it to a last date.
-- mr blog
And I'll be a free-man!!! It's scheduled to be on 7th Oct for oral. It's a bit rush. Rather a last minute thing, but I can't, or I want to postpone it to a last date.
-- mr blog
It seems that RSS has become so popular suddenly that everyone starts incorporating it. Firefox and Thunderbird both incorporate RSS in different way, Mac OSX Safari also include that feature. They seems less user-friendly than a normal email a/c. Instead, I find that bloglines interface is nice, nice layout, and automatically retrieve updates. But I didn't make use of the bloggin feature, since I already have one.
-- mr blog
-- mr blog
-- mr blog
hallo. u can take >1 photo of yourself and pick the best one.
By Anonymous, at 9/26/2004 12:58:49 PM
Although you didn't identify yourself, I still know that you are mr blow. hohoho...
By HonL, at 9/27/2004 05:30:44 PM
And, I did take a few photos and pick the "best" of the "worst". But these photos differ a little only. I just want to get it done ASAP.
By HonL, at 9/28/2004 12:12:27 PM
It'll be a new job, and new OS too. For years, people have been doing so many things that they always thought they ought to do, e.g. virus scanning and software updates. I always asked, why so I need to do so much rubbish? Linux has been a good alternative, but I always encounter softwares that I'd need windows.
Recently, experience with XP has pushed me to the extreme. I used to be able to connect my scanner to Win2k, and I could scan with the default software with comes with Win2k without any problem. Recently, I did the same operation in XP, it gives me so MUCH trouble, and still not solved! Not to mention that many software that WERE bundled in windows, e.g. fax, and they disappear quietly!
Recently, the Mozilla Firefox browser has got much public attention, that were name the "Internet Explorer alternative". But what is ironic is IE was the "Netscape alternative". But nevertheless, it is a good replacement for IE. NO, should not be the replace, but should be the default browser (that is not part of operating system), friend. So, that's all for the applications, on the OS itself, is Mac OS an alternative? Hee hee.
-- mr blog
-- mr blog
I downloaded the short video clip of Olympic Beijing Preview - Athens 2004. My sis told me the film, directed by Zhang Yi Mou, has received bad comments by the world. I watched and I guess the film was OK. But the live performance next is "Chinese" enough. I especially can't stand and skip the part on the traditional Chinese opera, of course, there was this performance by the "12 Women Band". The only thing is the girl singing Jasmin gave me the surpise.
So, you know what you'll expect to see by then. Still looking forward to it?
-- mr blog
array_1d vs. array_2d ...
I finally found out why obsture code like array_1d is used throughout. His ration is, array_1d needs to access the memory once while array_2d while accesses twice; calculation is faster than accessing memory.
I really beat to differ under normal circumstances, i.e. no swap is involved. Should I still run stupid experiment to prove me conjecture?
double array_1d[ X * Y ]; array_id[ i*X + j] = ....
double array_2d[X][Y]; array_2d[i][j] = ....
-- mr blog
On the dark side...
But, on the brighter side,
-- mr blog
The scenery in Jiu Zai Gou is also very nice too. Is the train the "Z" type.. ??? --jm
By Anonymous, at 9/3/2004 04:17:47 PM
Pardon me, what is the "Z" type?
By HonL, at 9/3/2004 04:54:17 PM
Actually i feel there's ample time for you to do a good presentation. But the problem rite now is to find that some1 who can be your idol to rehearse with u.
Blow ouT
By Anonymous, at 10/1/2004 11:00:23 PM
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