Must I end in this way?
Well, JBCB accepts by lousy work (once again). Dr (Ms) RA can't wait to tell everybody that it's Tea Time. I actually don't mind paying for afternoon tea break for say 10 persons (what can a "STUDENT" order from a school canteen, knowing that the food is paid for? he/she would just to grap the cheapest ones), it's really easy, as viewed by me, but not the others.
What I do mind is that this "common practice" is becoming more like a "tradition", where everyone just follows blindly, without actually thinking what is that for. I dun like this to happen, when people just want to go for free tea break, buy tea and take them back to Lab.
So I did something different today. Since I bring my own packed lunch box school for lunch, I spread the words that I'm going for tea break later in the afternoon, tell them dun eat too full for lunch. They are smart people and they know what happens to me and what i should do, although I purposely did not say it's my treat. Most of them say "no", for something that they are working on, except one. Uh-oh!!! I don't need to pay so much $$$, for something that people dun appreciate! It's a good thing after all!!! These few days, I'm been thinking of RPG games, and I play a different RPG in these 2 years, where your wealth and health points are represented your "tea-treat-count" and "number of acceptance"? Is it fun? No. Seriously, the feeling for treating about 10 person, but only one turnup, is no fun. But at least, it's much better than treating "yourself" tea break. nevertheless, I have nothing to lose, in fact gain. What I lose is my treat to (about) five persons. It's going to an end. Wyh must things turn out to be like this, forcing me to go away?
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