Try and Try and Try....
That's the only chance, only way. You can still try, better than you can't even try.
DC: where are you???
-- mr blog
That's the only chance, only way. You can still try, better than you can't even try.
DC: where are you???
-- mr blog
I was just wondering, should I just continue to throw in money, continue to get worse and worse results, or I just submit and pray for miracle?
latest news, just checked that ValuAir just got spacfe from 28th Dec to early jan. this maybe my final chance...-- mr blog
It's a tragedy, it's a miscarry. Should I waster another flight to buy one more chance? Or should I just go with the first one?
-- mr blog
There was once I said that I'd try to avoid SIA flight to Singapore. But it was the only ticket and timeslot with promotion price. I had no choice but to fly the cheaoest way, keeping my burn rate as low as possible. In my next week, I can only spend the price of 2x MTR trips and 2x chicken rice everyday.
-- mr blog
After struggling for so long, I finally conclude that the test is something I can't handle. I'm now hoping for the 1 / 2^INFTY probability that I know the questions. I tried not to imagine too much. also I tried not to care about other people / matters. However it happens that I just need to do something about them, or call it 'entertaining'.
-- mr blog
(Re-posted from a draft) The test is finaly over. The lower bound of the score is 40 higher than the last time. I can't hope for more, maybe it's just what's all I can do. I'am a loser.
Any way, I sat for the test in two different centers, I asked the same question. They more or less gave the same answer, but my reaction is totally different.For answer 2, I didn't blame that person as she appeared to be sincere and helpful. For answer 1, I secretly named her a B****.
-- mr blog
I was just reminded today that quite a few places are hiring people. In view that I'mgoing jobless soon (*very* soon), I'll need to send application forms out. Within 30 minutes, just going to the 3 university job vacancy website, I quickly apply 3 positions by email. One post has closed its application yesterday, but I'm just trying my luck. One may notice that I'm really depearte.
-- mr blog
Since last week, I've been living in a state of despair, although I never anticipated this to happen. However, ironcially, I chose to happen that way.
I also see that people tried to help me out of their kindness. I'm grateful to them, although the effort they put in is merely minor. They gave me a big push. E.g. the card centre lady who help me to trace my newly reported credit card, so I can get it and book my fligh. Admin officer who suggested that hang on in university longer, secretery who type the letter to request for early termination... etc... (in contract, although it's not fair to compare eggs and chickens, people in the other country where people just want to ``get their jobs done'', rather than to ``do their jobs''.) Well, I think what mr blow said is true, ``I'm playing with fire''. While I'm fighting the fire, my mind hasn't been so restless as before. It comes back after so many year, the time I was doing my O's. Ever since that, I didn't have that kind of feeling, feeling myself useless, helpless, unable to archeve anything.-- mr blog
does it mean that it's time to move on? to a new environment that thrills u, keeps your adrenaline flowing, and appreciates your talent?
Blow ouT.
By Anonymous, at 11/7/2004 03:56:44 AM
Is the word 'Depair' used correctly? Or should I say, "aimless land"?
By HonL, at 11/9/2004 03:02:30 PM
I give myself one more try. At least there are parts that I think I should have done better. After that will just depend on my luck.
-- mr blog
Just on the day I wanted to tell my prof supt I want to concentrate on studying, I didn't have the chance today. He didn't come to office this afternoon. At about 2pm, PhD student, also a TA of his course, receive a call from prof's sect, asking him to take over his lecture. He's hospoitalized!
Things always turn out of your expectation. But I just want to wish a 'get well soon'.-- mr blog
Oh no, latest news from dr supt saying that he met a car accident.
By HonL, at 11/2/2004 01:10:42 PM
Just like last appearreance of the *** idol show, it's the tribute is to indicate that my journey has come to an end. We don't know when will the time would that be.
-- mr blog
I tried looking for sample questions, I found this [link:]. The says my approximate score is between 260 and 280, but what happened to me?!?!?
By HonL, at 11/1/2004 06:25:48 PM
I tried looking for sample questions, I found this [links:] and The says my approximate score is between 260 and 280, but what happened to me?!?!?
By HonL, at 11/1/2004 06:56:37 PM
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