90% out-of-concern + 10% curiousity
With the last 2 months, I bring my just-merely-edible lunch from the previous dinners. The nus gal in my lab used to pack her lunch to school. Some talk over her friends know that her mother was hospitalised. For the last 2 months, she stopped bring her lunch box. I was just concerned about her family... and out of curiousity, I ask her tonite straight, "how was your mum?". She shot for 5 seconds, seeing that she didn't want to talk, I explain that I just want to show my concern, it'll be perfectly alright uf you don't want to say anything. After this incident, I kept thinking about this. But nevertheless, I still wish that nothing goes wrong. Anyway, that gal might go to NUS next year...
-- mr blog
It's okay to do what you think you should. We have no way to tell what other people wants unless we know them a lot.
By Zuraffo, at 7/23/2004 07:35:49 PM
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