15 min of Demonstration
1st July 2004. I joined the demonstration for 15 mins, walking across 3 streets. It's hot today, as high as 34C. News reports that there're even more people than the last year. I also wore the offically colour -- white, didn't put on any sticker or ribbon. But nevetheless, I think there's no use asking whoever to step down,... The situation is already bad enough...
-- mr blog
isn't it dangerous to go on a demonstration, esp when hk is now under the rule of .....?
Blown oFF
By Anonymous, at 7/3/2004 12:19:43 PM
There's more than 1/2 milion on the street on that day. It's just like a helloween party
By HonL, at 7/5/2004 11:03:04 PM
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