This is harder than secondary school composition...
I was hoping that I write the furst draft of pos today in the lab. I spent time reading online help and other accessible pos on the web. But I still can't settle for a stretegy to write one. It seems that those samples that I read don't follow the online guide. So I tried to write one up from scratch, and this is where I bang on wall. This is harder than writing a GP essay.
Maybe I'm rushing myself to write. Maybe it's not that urgent. I'll go back to what I used to do.
This morning, my friend chatted me thru MSN and told me a news that I was really shocked. People who know me know that I'm not easily shocked! But today I really didn't know what to respond! Why must the persons telling me bad news keeps on reporting worse and worse? Why must things turn out worse from bad?
-- mr blog
one suggestion: brainstorm/write in point form first. later then expand into paragraphs.
By Anonymous, at 7/14/2004 03:16:27 PM
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