I stopped, the world still rotates itself.
I sort of sat back a bit in the last few weeks. Until the RA told, there'll be another conference submission pm 15th Feb. A bit rush right? I don't know what the supts going to so. But if they want to go for that, they have to indicate to me (so that I work harder) first, right? The conf is helf in quite a nice place, chejiu in Korea. I don't mind going there, with *some* fanancial assistance.
Ya, 15th Feb, a day that I'll never forget. Good that it comes in time, can ease me off doing some other things. (what was I doing last year at this time?? )
I'm still required to teach... those 4 failed fella, got to retake the course, the lecturer assigned me to in charge of 3 topics, I cover the entire duty, including lecture, tutorial, assignment + marking. The best thing is.... no extra pay. Ha!!!
mr blog
P.S. PacNet is really fast, faster then replying my queries... etc... my email and ftp ARE GONE, on the dot!!!.