A story on horse racing
In a horse racing, different horses go on its own speed and direction, using its own tactic. Before the start of the game, no one knows finishing point of the race, nor they can see the finishing time, they just go in front. In the end, they only see the finishing, if only they reach the end; and there's only one winner.
When the race first started, Horse F has been leading the race for the first 700 metres. There's actually a reason why Horce F can lead in the first 700metres. He used a tactic that take advantage that he's leading, that keeps himself in the first position; when someone tried to overtake Horse F, horse F does a side-kick, and the one over-taking would fall onto the ground, injured. In the first 700 metres, a few horses fell, they couldn't continue and they had to quit the game.
At the 800 metre point, another horse H tried to overtake horse F. Knowing it might also fall and get injuredm his reasonale is, since it's already 800 metres in the race, you either over-take Horse F and win the game or get kicked on to the ground. So horse H tried very hard to overtake. Since horse F is still in the leading position, he did another side-tick to Horse H. Horse H suffered a sprained legs and could only walk slowly, watching Horse F leading still, preparing himself lose the game.
At the 900 metres point, as everyone thinks Horse F wins the game, Horse F suddenly suffered from a bad muscle cramp. Horse F quitted the game. But at this thime, Horse H is already too far behind to see what was happening. He just thought to himself, thinking that Horse H would win the game, although unwillingly. So after the Horse F quitted the game, there's actually Horse W, who's racing at the outer ring. Although he's not fast, he go at constant speed and never get injured. In the end, it's left with only Horse W in the race that's healthy and fit enough to complete the game. While, horse H is still walking at it's own speed, didn't know what was happening to Horse F and Horse W.
Finally, the horse could see the finishing point, located at the 1000 metre point from the starting points. Horse W happilly and gracefully wins the game. At that tiime, Horse H is still walking at its own speed, to the finishing point. At this time, Horse H then learnt that the game is going to finished, he found himself too injured to catch up with each other, no mentioning to lead in the game. Of course, House H didn't even know the existence of Horse W, racing on the outer ring. The sad thing is, Horse H finds himself in another competition, with not know finishing point and distance. Horse H still needs to complete its own race, while the the ending point is not necessarily at the 1000 metre point.
Evaluation (debrief): is Horse H stupid enough to do such a thing when Horse F would have got a muscle cramp just only 100 metres from the point Horse H tried to over-take Horse F (of course, no one can predict that)?
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