- Tonite after dinner, I walked down the hill (north).... I went towards west side of the island (west). Until a point I decided to head back to campus. So in some western part of the island, I walk in the north direction, going uphill. After 15 min of going upslope, I saw the sign "Aberdeen" (in front). I spent another 1/2 hr to head back to my campus.
- Watch the "Happy Sunday" (decendand of Super Sunday), the part 1/2 hr is basically spoofing. *LOL*
- At 1:30am, I decide to pause my super sunday show and bathe. Open the bathroom, and it's the beer smell again. I couuldn't stand it, but I still want to bathe. Then I found a pair of jeans in the bathing tub. Argh... wear back my clothing and continue to watch...
- The Happy Sunday, Xiao Pig part is so dramatic. The whole family, the dad, mum and uncle should really act.
mr blog