Since someone asked me to take a break and I went to the anyhow-surf mode. Surprisingly there are not many bookmarks I have in my browser. I came to this page and did the test. here is the result
mr blog, this is what the foods you eat say about you:You are friendly and easygoing. People feel comfortable around you so it is not a surprise that many friends surround you. You have high self-esteem and will not let anyone get you down.
You're very careful and circumspect in all matters but you won't face any problems until they actually happen. Also you're a kind and sensitive person.
You are vigorous yet gentle. You appear to be mysterious to those who don't know you very well because you don't often reveal your feelings. You like to socialize and are popular among your peers.
You are soft-minded. You find it's too hard to say "No" to others, especially when you are pushed. Quite often, you are taken advantage of because of your soft-minded nature.