Thursday, the last lesson...
I didn't recall that today is a memorable day in my life, the last tutorial I'd give (as least in HKU). Immediately after the lecture followed by the tutoial, some students even took photos of the classroom. It makes me feel it's the last day I'm here. I feel so excited. By of cos, not. The the end of lecture, one student waved to me and happily annouced that she passed for her last quiz. Her last two quizes did not perform well. It shows what I always believe: ``hard works pay off''.
Just happened that I got to meet and talk to many students that I tutor in this semester and last semester. I told them that today is my last lesson, in HKU. They had the same response: what am I going to do then? I gave them the same answer: I'll be away from HKU. Sometimes, talking to students, things that are not coursework related, feel wonderful. I can share different point-of-views from different people.
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