Tomorrow is my first paper. It's a *CLOSED* book paper. I always feel so uneasy about this because I can't memorise *ANYTHING* and it is the first "closed-book" exam i have in xxx years. Just now, I was trying to recall when and what is the paper that I last had a closed book exam, but I can't find anything. I even go to the module mounting site, trying to find a module that I remember having sat for a closed book exam. Very surprisingly, I found none. The closest thing I can recall in my undergrad days is the Scheme mid-term test, with only an A4 size cheat sheet. Other than that, I can only remember have sat for closed book exam in my A-Level, which is (counting my fingers with *both* hands) 8 years ago!!!! Quoting what Mr Blow always says, "I'm Doomed". updated at 12:40am: While flipping through the notes, I suddenly thought of putting this whole set of notes into rubbish bin or putting the notes in fire after exam tomorrow. This is the first time I have this thought. Mr BLOG
Friday, December 20, 2002
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