I came back to my lab on a Sun nite. I wanted to do my assignment. After 2 days of thinking, screwing my brain, I'm able to finsish ONE question. Yes... only ONE question and only some idea to another question. I've been feeling that my thoughts do not follow me anymore. But I got this email from Mr BLOW. damn. I take another close look at them and try to re-construct the scenerio:
- 01.jpg: Wah, so many people went for the ROM! No more seat and people have to stand outside of the room! And XN is standing by the wall! But I guess he was looking at other people ;) Mr Blow and his man-hunt hair-style!
- 08.jpg: This looks like some old chinese fighting scene. People just hold thie hands still and yet they can control the swards.
- 22.jpg: Miracle does happen This picture gives me the motivation. "There will be mircale, when you believe". DC, wanglili are taking photo with Mr Blow!
- 23.jpg: Center of attraction: Ms HOWHOW!
- 26.jpg, 28.jpg : These pictures reminds me of Growing Up ... growing up music starts playing...
- 34.jpg : KK finally combs his hair.
- 37.jpg : A typical shoot of 4 persons.
- 43.jpg ,44.jpg : Uh? No "Tai4 Sha3" or "Ai4 Na4 Mo Zong4" please...
- 64.jpg: This picture is better than the CEO shoot. A totally different feeling on him. Should really post this on Yahoo! Personals