OICCCCC! Actually, do you know that Singapore doesn't hv many locals doing postgrad now cos they think it's of no value in the market? NUS really has no choice but to recruit a huge pool of foreign talents to do so, even though some are really not that talented. If they dun do that, you'll find a ghost division in postgrad studies. Recently, there was a rumor that they rechannelled the funds for research (e.g. conference grants...) into hiring more foreign talents. Quite a few of the staff are given very little for their conference leave. I think if the economy in Singapore grows worse, then locals will start pouring in. I also received some feedback from some of my foreign frens that they regret taking up the degree course in NUS. Now they're stuck here for 6 years. Cannot pursue further studies. I question them,"during that time, if they had stayed back in their own country to complete their degree, would they be in better position now?" They said no. I told them that they're very lucky cos if they're locals, they would be stuck with repaying the loans for 6 years ($500 every month). So it's like they're earning much more than we do. But nevertheless, they're talents. We're dirt. oops no. I'm dirt. U also foreign talent mah. BTW, *sung's lectures are very humorous. If you need a break, can attend his lecture to have a good laugh. Mr Blow
Thursday, September 26, 2002
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