Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 10:24:23 +0800 (GMT-8)
Wow! CCL shd know about this! The color combination for this weblog site
is so much better than his philo site. Really looks more presentable.
BTW, after reading your log on Wednesday, I realize NUS is in fact
offering whatever you've said only in graduate courses. It's like a crash
course whereby they core dump every shit to you in the course. I somehow
feel that they shd teach the basics of these courses during undergrad
(comp. geometry, sequence matching...) in 3000 level courses. Then in
postgrad, they can offer more in depth ones. Maybe that's why you also
feel a bit siong when you take their post grad courses.
Heh! BTW, I'm also interested in sequence matching and classification. I
know in bioinformatics, they're more into discrete symbols/atoms matching.
Me interested in the continuous type, for eg. a time series. Just in case
you come across, inform me ok?
From: Low Kian Hsiang
To: Ho Ngai Lam
Subject: Re: Pre post garuda updates #2
Thursday, September 12, 2002
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